Category Archives: Christmas

Christmas Party – Winter Wonderland!

Mook & Lulu's Winter Wonderland Party

Mook & Lulu’s Winter Wonderland Party

In case you hadn’t noticed… Christmas is almost here!

And yes, a ‘First World’ Christmas can mean an exponential rise in road rage incidents as the big day gets nearer, the horrific spectacle that is parents trampling the seated small children of the choir in a race to photograph their little darling on the stage, and the utter madness that is Christmas food shopping, but, despite all of this, I LOVE Christmas!

I’ve always loved Christmas.  From the golden years of my childhood, through the feigned nonchalance of my teenage years, to the much quieter times before we were a family of four.  But since Mook & Lulu have been old enough to get excited about Christmas, the magic is back!

So, as I dutifully hike backwards and forwards to the school to attend a flurry of school Christmas activities, plan for Christmas parties, and join endless queues for car parks, I will always fall happily into my bed at the end of the day in the run up to Christmas. *Cheese alert* It really IS the most wonderful time of the year!

If you’re flagging a little in the run up to Christmas Day, here are a few photos from our recent Winter Wonderland Christmas Party to liven you up! Enjoy!

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